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VOS API Documentation


Welcome to the VOS library. This API documentation contains fairly complete information about the C++ classes that make up the core VOS library, as well as various MetaObjects.

Please send feedback on this documentation so we can make it as clear and complete as possible. Email Reed <> or Pete <> or send a message to the discussion list.

Some of the more important classes you should take a look at are VOS::Vobject, VOS::MetaObject, VOS::Site, VOS::LocalSite, VOS::LocalSocketSite, Property, VOS::Log, VOS::Vobject::ParentChildRelation, VOS::ChildChangeListener and PropertyListener.

For 3D objects, see the A3DL namespace. For GUI objects, see the VOSGUI namespace.

Also of interest are Avatar, Talkative, COD, Search, Hypercard, and Metadata from the "misc" library.

For the service discovery metaobject, see Services.

For the tracking devices library, start with Tracker. For the typechain library, see TypeChain and TypeHandler. For the plugin loading library, see the Plugins namespace. For the type helpers library, see the TypeHelper class. For the lower level service discovery object, see LSD::ServiceDirectory. A useful class for making VOS based daemons (background services) is VOSDaemon.

All of the classes are listed in the annotated class index, the full alphabetical listing, and in the class hierarchy. The modules listing groups classes by library or by other logical relationships.

See the VOS website for up to date news, docs and code.

Generated on Tue Aug 12 03:55:35 2003 for Interreality Project - VOS by doxygen 1.3.2