4.6. VOS Library Configuration Using Environment Variables

There are several environment variables that affect the behavior of VOS. In Unix, environment variables may be set temporarily in the shell, or permanently in user or system shell config/rc files. On Windows, variables may be set in the "System" control panel.


If defined, this value is used as the primary hostname, rather than the hostname detected by VOS. This is the hostname that other people will need to use to contact your site, so it has to be valid for your network! This variable may also include a port number (e.g. example.dyndnl.org:4233) in which case VOS will listen on that port instead of using the first available port >= 4231.


Sets log levels for various channels. The format is: "Channel1=LEV1,Channel2=LEV2". See the documentation for the LOG macro in log.hh. The level is a priority running from 0 (highest priority/critical errors) to 5 (tons of debugging spam.)


Sets the default log level for any channels not listed in VOS_LOG.


Suppress ALL log messages with level greater than the given value. This overrides the log channel settings in VOS_LOG and VOS_DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL!


If defined, look up host names from IP addresses. Doing so can cause the program to stall and so it is disabled by default.


If socks support has been compiled in, setting this variable will cause VOS to use the socks server for network I/O (by default it will not). See note on firewalls earlier in this document for more information.