OTD #018; Revision 3.
Group: sound.
This object type contains sound data and information regarding playback of the sound effect or stream, and sends and receives messages to control playback of the associated sounds. It may be combined with other object types to place the sound in a particular context, for example, in a 3D space using object3d. The behavior of remote and local objects is different: remote objects recieve update messages from the local object, and should perform the acctual sound control. When it sends an update message to the remote object, the local sound may or may not also perform the associated action locally.
The sound data. Recommended types to support are the various MOD formats (sound/x-mod, sound/x-s3m, sound/x-xm, sound/x-it), raw wave samples (sound/wav, sound/aiff), Ogg Vorbis (sound/x-ogg), and MP3 (sound/mp3), and URL to Ogg or MP3 ("Shoutcast") stream (sound/x-mp3-stream? sound/x-ogg-stream?).
This property may contain one of two plain text values: "yes" and "no". If this property contains the text "yes", then playback of the sound should loop; that is, when the end of the sound is reached, it should begin again. If omitted, a value of "no" may be assumed.
This property may contain one of two plain text values: "yes" and "no". If this property contains "yes", then the sound should be played as soon as the "sound" property changes, or is first recieved (that is, when a "property-update" message is recieved for "sound").
This property contains the current state of this sound. It must be one of the following plain text values: "play" for playing, "pause" for temporarily paused, or "stop", for not playing at all. When this property changes, actual sound playback by the remote object should reflect the new state.
this type defines no new messages.