OTD #031; Revision 0.
Group: gui.
Extends: widget
This object type represents a list from which the user may select one or more object. Selecting an item causes the corresponding object to be inserted under the "gui:selected" subobject; by listening to "gui:selected", a VOS application can be notified of selections and deselections in the list.
Objects that are chindren of this subobject are available for selection, and their contextual names are displayed, in order, in the list.
When an object from "gui:choices" is selected, it should be inserted as a child of this object as well, with the same position as in "gui:choices".
If this property is "yes", then the user should be allowed to select multiple items in the list. If "no", then only one item at a time may be selected. This property should have a datatype of "text/x-yes-no."
this type defines no new messages.