Internet Reality - S3/VR Screenshots

A Mozilla Plug-in for Crystal Space

The following screenshots were taking using the Crystal Space software renderer in the test program for the Crystal Space Mozilla plug in. To do this, I had to first write new gfx and widget components for Mozilla that rendered to an off-screen buffer, then write the Crystal Space plugin. The plugin directly embeds Mozilla's Gecko layout engine and thus supplies a fully-functional HTML rendering engine to Crystal Space!


Get Crystalzilla 0.3 source here (updated 3 March 2004) You will need the Mozilla source code (the version 1.6 or 1.7 branch), when you compile Mozilla make sure you have Freetype enabled). Then you need the Allegro Library. Of course, you also need Crystal Space.

Most recent image here

Updated! I now have the user interface working on the embedded texture. Yes, you can click on links and type into textboxes!

First a couple shots of, the software that makes this all possible:

Now the web page for the Crystal Space 3D engine:

I am working on this as part of the Interreality project, to integrate 3D virtual worlds with the existing infrastructure of the World Wide Web. Here's our web page (find out more!):

Here are the obligitory slashdot screenshots :-)

A finally, for laughs:


Contact: tetron @ interreality . org
Website problems: reed @ interreality . org