The Playlist Daemon: an MP3 Jukebox in VOS

Run the jukebox server, playlistd, on a computer with a sound card and a bunch of mp3s, and you can use VOS to remotely control the playback:

bash$ mp3j status
Current song: /home/music/FSOL/Accelerator/FSOL - Central Industrial.mp3
Status: stop
bash$ mp3j clear
bash$ mp3j add "~music/Orbital/The Altogether (Disc 1)"
bash$ mp3j play
bash$ mp3j status
Current song: /home/music/Orbital/The Altogether (Disc 1)/01 - Tension.mp3
Status: play

There is also a WWW interface: Screenshot of jukebox web interface

Screenshot of jukebox web interface

The jukebox plays Mp3 files and streams (using mpg123), Ogg Vorbis files and streams (using ogg123), even MODs (with mikmod)! You can add a handler for any type of file you wish, by adding property objects to the jukebox at run time, or in the startup script.

Future plans include streaming songs directly from MetaObjects, rather than using files on disk, and creating new contexts for streaming music by allowing easy integration of the new streaming MetaObject into any VOS application...

The Jukebox application illustrates the possibilities of the VOS protocol. The Perl scripts for status, add, play, etc. are all small and portable, and can be run on any host to control the jukebox. The playlist and songs are all represented by MetaObjects, which can be easily integrated into other systems and applications (For example, a 3D interface integrated into a virtual world)

[Download VOS software here]


Contact: tetron @ interreality . org
Website problems: reed @ interreality . org