
Mesh is documented fully in the manual

Mesh is the MEtaverse SHell, modelled after a standard Unix shell: use simple commands to navigate and modify a VOS object tree on-line.

 $ cd vop://localhost:4233
vop://localhost:4233 $ ls
foo -> vop://zarya:4233/foo
bar -> vop://zarya:4233/bar
baz -> vop://zarya:4233/baz
qux -> vop://zarya:4233/qux
vop://localhost:4233 $ 
vop://localhost:4233 $ cd bar
vop://localhost:4233/bar $ types
vop://localhost:4233/bar $ property read
Value: this is bar.
Type: text/plain
vop://localhost:4233/bar $ property replace "Have some new data." text/plain
vop://localhost:4233/bar $ property read
Value: Have some new data.
Type: text/plain
vop://localhost:4233/bar $ 

Check out the Ter'Angreal tour for another good example of mesh in action.

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Contact: tetron @ interreality . org
Website problems: reed @ interreality . org