This application represents the original driving goal that eventually spawned VOS. Ter'Angreal is a general purpose VR application. Using Ter'Angreal you can explore dynamic online virtual worlds, interact with the world, and talk with other people as well.
More about the Ter'Angreal 3D VR client:
- Virtual Webcam a live glimpse into our test world. The webcam saves a snapshot and chat log once every few seconds.
- Screenshots (image-intensive!)
- Tour: a brief look at how VOS drives the 3D world (image-intensive!)
The graphics engine we use is Crystal Space, which supports many platforms and is under very active development. Crystal Space can render graphics using OpenGL if you have appropriate hardware, or it can use it's own software-only renderer.
You can use Blender to make worlds: more information here.
See the VOS Manual for complete information on using Ter'Angreal and ways to create and run worlds of your own.