Virtual Object System: A new generation of Internet communications

The Virtual Object System (VOS) is a hierachical distributed object system, a dessert topping, and a floor wax. It is an infrastructure for object-oriented network communication, and building flexible, distributed object networks for a variety of purposes, but our primary application is multiuser collaborative virtual environments. It also tastes good and will keep your floors shiny.

Learn more about VOS here

Quick Links:

Developers Artists Package Maintainers

Try out the code; provide feedback on the API and tools; add missing features, or create something entirely new based on VOS.

Build some worlds; run servers listed in the servicelist (metaserver); provide feedback on converters and tools; let us know what you need to create the worlds you want.

Help get it running on and maintain a binary package/installer for your favorite platform/distribution (we are especially in need of Debian, RedHat, Gentoo, Macintosh and free *BSD packages.)

A screenshot of the multiuser 3D VR application

VOS is intended to be general purpose, and extensible for a variety of purposes and applications, but our primary application is multi-user 3D graphics environments. At this time, the application software is in heavy development; the core libraries continue to be improved, but are mostly stable at this point. We are looking for programmers to give VOS a try, and let us know what they think.

Our vision for multiuser 3D is outlined here, in the manual.

From this website you can learn more about the VOS project, download software for libraries and applications, read documentation of protocols and the library API, browse object type definitions, and participate in mailing lists. If you have any questions or comments feel free to email Pete (tetron @ interreality . org) or Reed (reed @ interreality . org) or post a message to the mailing list.

About the Applications

See the pages below for more information and screenshots.


Crystal Space 3D SDK wxWindows Cross Pratform GUI Toolkit OpenVRML
Blender 3D modelling and animation software GNU Debian GNU/Linux
Howl Rendezvous/Zeroconf ports


Contact: tetron @ interreality . org
Website problems: reed @ interreality . org

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