VOS Software
VOS is free to download and is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser GPL (except some example code and applications, which are under the GPL. See individual subdirectories and source files for specific copyright information.)
The current version is 0.12. Some notes about what is new in this release can be found on the news page. 0.12.1 seems to work OK on Windows NT, 2000 and XP. 0.12.2 addresses a couple of build/install issues on GNU systems (Linux).
Please consider this "beta" software. It comes with no Warranty. There are plenty of places for improvement: please send us your ideas, feedback and fixes.
Binary Packages for Debian GNU/Linux

If you are using the "Unstable" version of Debian (Sid), here is information about automatically installing VOS binary packages using apt-get.
Important note: The biggest problem at the moment is that normally, VOS needs to listen on a port for incomming connections. If you are behind a firewall or NAT gateway, you need to do two things:
- Configure your firewall/gateway/router appliance/etc to forward connections to the computer running VOS software: VOS starts looking for unused ports at 4231, so you should forward at minimum 4231, and any additional ports you think you might use.
- Tell VOS what your external host name is: i.e.,
the external, Internet hostname of your firewall/gateway/
router. This is done by setting an environment variable
(If your gateway happens to support the SOCKS5 protocol, and you build and run VOS on Unix, you can use SOCKS to automatically set up the port forward as well.)
See Section 4.5 of the manual for more information.
Binary Packages for Microsoft Windows

If you are using Microsoft Windows NT, 2000 or XP, download this binary package for Ter'Angreal: (Mirror services very generously supplied by sourceforge.net and archive.org)
- Download from worldwide Sourceforge mirrors ("vos-0.12.1-win32-x86.zip")
Or you can download it directly from interreality.org (much slower link)
- vos-0.12.1-win32-x86.zip via freecache.org (6.6 MB)
- vos-0.12.1-win32-x86.zip direct from interreality.org.
VOS Source Code
To download the source code, go here.
Building and installation instructions are in chapter four of the manual.
All the code can be built using GNU make system. In addition, the CVS snapshot requires GNU autoconf 2.52 or later and automake 1.5 or later. Most libraries and applications are written in C++.
VOS is being developed on Debian and RedHat GNU/Linux as well as MacOS X and Solaris using GCC and the GNU autotools, and on MS Windows with Visual C++ 7.0. We have had reports in the past of successfully compiling on Windows using cygwin and mingw and msys (see the manual for details). If you are successful at compiling on another platform, please drop us a line saying so (and including a patch if possible).
You may download the "vos-doc-0.12.1" package to obtain complete VOS documentation for off-line viewing.
- Download from worldwide mirrors here (Under "Docs (Manual & API Ref)")
(Mirrors provided generously by sourceforge.net)
Or, download directly from interreality.org (slow link!):
- vos-doc-0.12.1.tar.bz2 (1.4 MB) VOS documentation, including the manual and API.
- vos-doc-0.12.1.tar.gz (2.0 MB) same, compressed using gzip.
- vos-doc-0.12.1.zip (3.4 MB) same, in zip format.
Old Versions
0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.10, 0.11.
About the Applications
So far there are four primary applications that use VOS VOS. See the pages below for more information and screenshots.
- Ter'Angreal, the multi-user 3D VR client -- the idea that started it all, is well underway using the CrystalSpace 3D engine and VOS to open the doors to the Metaverse...
- mesh (MEtaSHell) is a command-line interface to a running VOS object system, modelled after a Unix shell.
- The MP3 Jukebox keeps a playlist of song files, and includes scripts to remotely play, stop, skip, shuffle, etc.
- The Metatronic remote GUI display client lets GUI components be distributed accross networks (just like Ter'Angreal's 3D objects), dynamically modified, and used collaboratively. This system also provides a VOS-based GUI system to other VOS applications.
- Extra libraries written for VOS but usable by anyone (they
don't depend on VOS):
- Use the Service discovery library to advertise and query for services on a local network or on a specific host
- Use libASE to parse information out of 3D Studio/3ds Max "Ascii Scene Export" files