VOS Software - Source Code

This source code is free to download and is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser GPL (except some example code and applications, which are under the GPL. See individual subdirectories and source files for specific copyright information.)

Build and installation instructions can be found in chapter four of the manual.

Download 0.12.2

The following files contain the complete VOS source code. VOS documentation (the manual and API reference) can be downloaded here.

The source code is in the "vos-0.12.2" package, available in several compressed archive formats. If you intend to compile VOS using Microsoft Visual Studio, you will also need the "vos-win32-support-libs-0.12.zip" package.

(Mirrors provided generously by sourceforge.net and archive.org)

Or, download directly from interreality.org (slow link!):

Please report any problems to the vos-d mailing list or to Reed or Pete.

CVS Access

Anyone may get read-only access our CVS repository for the very latest in-development code. To do so, use the following commands:

cvs -d :pserver:cvsreadonly@interreality.org:/usr/local/cvsroot login

(Just hit enter when asked for password, there is none.)

To check out "s4", the current development version, use:

cvs -d :pserver:cvsreadonly@interreality.org:/usr/local/cvsroot co s4

To check out "s3", the previous development version, which mostly ended with release 0.12 but which has recieved a few small changes since, use:

cvs -d :pserver:cvsreadonly@interreality.org:/usr/local/cvsroot co vos

All the code can be built using GNU make system and GCC (Linux) or Visual Studio 7 (Windows). Additionally, on Linux, the CVS snapshot requires GNU autoconf 2.52 or later and automake 1.5 or later.

Crystal Space uses lib3ds for loading 3DS models. Get it from lib3ds.sourceforge.net.

Crystal Space is available from http://crystal.sf.net. wxWindows is available from wxwindows.org. OpenVRML is available from openvrml.org.

If you have a firewall or gateway using network address translation, you probably need to use SOCKS. Here is the package we recommend for Linux (includes both server and client library that VOS links to): dante_1.1.11.12p1-3.tar.gz.

VOS is being developed on Debian GNU/Linux with GCC and Windows 2000 with Visual Studio 7. We also have had reports of successfully compiling using cygwin and mingw. If you are successful at compiling on another platform, please drop us a line saying so (and including a patch if possible).


Contact: tetron @ interreality . org
Website problems: reed @ interreality . org