_MD5 | |
ASE_Camera | |
ASE_CameraSettings | |
ASE_ColorRGB | |
ASE_Face | |
ASE_GeomObject | |
ASE_Light | |
ASE_LightSettings | |
ASE_Material | |
ASE_MaterialMap | |
ASE_Mesh | |
ASE_Scene | |
ASE_Transform | |
ASE_Vector3D | |
VOS::AsyncConnect | Connects to a remote site sort of asynchronously |
Avatar | MetaObject implementing Avatar Object Type |
Avatar3D | This class adds some 3D-specific properties to Avatar |
VOSChatGUI::AvatarList | A list of avatar object in some "world" (children of some Vobject) |
A3DL::Billboard | Billboard objects are two dimensional images that have a position in 3D space |
BufferedLocalProperty | This subclass of Property waits until you call flush() (or the static method flushAll()) before actually sending any write or replace methods to listeners |
BufferedRemoteProperty | |
VOSGUI::Button | MetaObject implementing Button Object Type |
VOSGUI::ButtonEvent | Represents a button event |
VOSGUI::ButtonListener | Listener for button events (ie, push) |
Camera3D | |
CatchUpdatesFilter | |
VOS::ChildChangeListener | Interface to be called when a listened-to object has some change to its child list |
COD | COD stands for Compact Object Description |
COD::Entry | An entry in the COD Vobject table |
COD::eof | |
COD::PCR | |
VOSGUI::ColorInput | MetaObject implementing ColorInput Object Type |
ColorRGB | |
A3DL::Cone | |
VOSGUI::Container | MetaObject implementing the "container" Object Type |
A3DL::Cube | |
A3DL::Cylinder | |
DBProperty | General database-backend interface |
DBProperty::DBAccessError | Database Access Error exception |
DeleteTempFile | A ProcessEndCallback that deletes a file when called |
deque | |
Directory | This class reads a directory on the file system and creates FileProperty and other Directory objects to mirror the file system |
VOSGUI::Display | |
VOS::DoNothingListener | Trivial listener implementation that does nothing |
DoNothingPropertyEvent | This is a PropertyListener that does nothing; however, it can be used to keep a RemoteProperty up to date with changes in a LocalProperty, speeding up reads of the RemoteProperty |
DoNothingPropertyListener | |
DoNothingPropertySecurityInitializer | |
VOS::EnqueueOutgoing | A message filter that enqueues all outgoing messages except for anti-spoof checking and errors |
ExternalTypeHandler | This class calls an external program or "helper application" to decode stuff |
ExtrapolatedListenerSiteWrapper | Internal class used to sort of extend RemoteSite without actually touching RemoteSite |
ExtrapolatedListenerSiteWrapper::Cmp | |
ExtrapolatedLocalProperty | |
ExtrapolatedProperty | Use this Property subclass to store continusouly changing numerical values |
ExtrapolatedPropertyEvent | Listener for ExtrapolatedProperty changes |
ExtrapolatedPropertyListener | |
ExtrapolatedRemoteProperty | |
Face | |
FestTalk | A subclass of LocalTalkative that sends "SayText" commands to a festival server |
FestTalk::ServerCommError | An exception that indicates a general error communicating to server through network socket |
VOSGUI::FileInput | MetaObject implementing FileInput Object Type |
FileProperty | A subclass of LocalProperty that uses a file as the backing store of the property data |
FileProperty::FileAccessError | |
FlexLexer | |
Gateway | MetaObject implementing Gateway Object Type |
GPSDPosition | |
GPSPosition | |
GPSPosition::ServerCommError | An exception that indicates a general error communicating to server through network socket |
Hello | Example MetaObject class |
HostedAvatar | MetaObject implementing HostedAvatar Object Type |
HostedAvatarAccessControl | |
Hypercard | MetaObject implementing Hypercard Object Type |
Image2D | MetaObject implementing Image2D Object Type |
VOSGUI::Input | MetaObject implementing Input Object Type |
IntersenseOrientation | Implementation of Orientation which gets info from an Intersense IS-300 tracking device |
VOSGUI::Label | MetaObject implementing Label Object Type |
A3DL::Light | |
Light3D | |
LocalAvatar | Local version of Avatar |
VOSGUI::LocalButton | Local version of Button |
VOSGUI::LocalColorInput | Local version of ColorInput |
VOSGUI::LocalContainer | Local version of Container |
VOSGUI::LocalDisplay | |
VOSGUI::LocalFileInput | Local version of FileInput |
LocalGateway | Local version of Gateway |
LocalHello | This class implements the local Hello object |
LocalHostedAvatar | Local version of HostedAvatar |
LocalHypercard | Local version of Hypercard |
LocalImage2D | Local version of Image2D |
VOSGUI::LocalInput | Local version of Input |
VOSGUI::LocalLabel | Local version of Label |
LocalLogin | Local version of Login |
LocalLogin::AuthState | |
LocalLogin::BadUsernameError | |
VOSGUI::LocalMenu | Local version of Menu |
VOSGUI::LocalMenubar | Local version of Menubar |
VOSGUI::LocalMenuBar | Local version of MenuBar |
LocalMetadata | Local version of Metadata |
VOS::LocalMetaObject | A local object which is extensible using the MetaObject architechture |
LocalMetaObject | A local object which is extensible using the MetaObject architechture |
VOSGUI::LocalNumericInput | Local version of NumericInput |
VOS::LocalOnlyAccessControl | Access control policy that always says no |
LocalProperty | Local version of property |
LocalSearch | Local version of Search |
LocalSearch::PatternRule | |
VOSGUI::LocalSelect | Local version of Select |
VOSGUI::LocalSelectBoolean | Local version of SelectBoolean |
VOSGUI::LocalSelectList | Local version of SelectList |
VOSGUI::LocalSelectValue | Local version of SelectValue |
LocalServices | Local version of Services |
LocalSite | A site which is local to your application |
VOS::LocalSite | A site which is local to your application |
LocalSite::Callback | |
VOS::LocalSite::CallbackInfo | |
VOS::LocalSite::CallbackListener | Timer callback listener type |
VOS::LocalSite::PortBindingError | |
LocalSite::PortBindingError | |
VOS::LocalSite::SiteTableEntry | |
LocalSite::SiteTableEntry | |
LocalSite::ValidationEntry | |
VOS::LocalSite::ValidationEntry | |
VOSGUI::LocalSliderNumericInput | Local version of SliderNumericInput |
VOS::LocalSocketSite | A local site implemented using TCP sockets |
VOS::LocalSocketSite::PortBindingError | An exception class thrown when there is an error initializing the listening socket |
VOS::LocalSocketSite::SSLError | An exception class thrown when there is an error initializing SSL |
LocalSound | Local version of Sound |
LocalTalkative | Local version of Talkative |
LocalText | Local version of Text |
LocalVobject | |
VOS::LocalVobject | This class contains the code to respond to messages from remote objects inquiring about the Vobject's state |
VOSGUI::LocalWidget | Local version of Widget |
VOS::Log | The logging class |
A3DL::Material | Contains material (appearence) information for a 3D object |
VOSGUI::Menu | MetaObject implementing Menu Object Type |
VOSGUI::Menubar | MetaObject implementing Menubar Object Type |
VOSGUI::MenuBar | MetaObject implementing MenuBar Object Type |
VOS::Message | This class handles storing, generating and parsing of the messages that are sent between virtual objects |
VOS::Message::Field | A key-value field pair used to store the fields of the message |
VOS::Message::NoSuchFieldError | Thrown when getField() is passed an out-of-range parameter |
VOS::MessageBlock | A message block is a list of messages which have been bundled together into a single block |
VOS::MessageContext | A message substitution context |
VOS::MessageContext::NoSuchParameterError | |
MessageFilter | |
VOS::MessageFilter | A message filter can be attached to any site to filter the messages passing through that site |
Metadata | MetaObject implementing Metadata Object Type |
VOS::MetaObject | This class is responsible for managing a group of object extensions under a single logical Vobject |
MetaObject | |
MockOrientation | This class is a fake or mock tracker, in that you must set its orientation manually, rather than reading it from an actual tracking device |
MockPosition | This class is a fake or mock tracker, in that you must set its position manually, rather than reading it from an actual tracking device |
A3DL::Model | |
msgbaseFlexLexer | |
VOS::msgFlexLexer | |
VOS::NoAccessControl | Access control policy that always says yes |
NoHostedAvatarAccessControl | |
NoPropertyAccessControl | Access control policy for properties that always says yes |
VOS::NotifyEvent | |
VOSGUI::NumericInput | MetaObject for a numeric input object |
Object3D | |
A3DL::Object3D | |
ObjectExciseListener | |
VOS::ObjectExciseListener | Interface by which an application can be notified that an object wants to be excised |
Orientation | This class provides an interface for orientation information |
VOS::OutgoingLock | A message filter that denies (and drops) all outgoing messages except for anti-spoof checking and errors |
VOS::ParentChangeListener | Interface to be called when a listened-to object has some change to its parent set |
VOS::parse_state_t | Stores some state information needed between calls to the Message parser, when a message has only been partially parsed |
PGDBProperty | DBProperty subclass for the PostgreSQL database |
A3DL::PolygonMesh | |
A3DL::PolygonMesh::Texel | |
A3DL::PolygonMesh::TextureSpace | |
A3DL::PolygonMesh::Vertex | |
A3DL::Portal | |
Position | This class provides an interface for position information |
VOSChatGUI::PrivMsg | A "Private message" session between you and another object |
ProcessEndCallback | Use a subclass of this class to specify action performed when a running helper process ends by passing an instance to TypeHeler::addProcessEndCallback() |
Property | Property stores data of any type and size |
PropertyAccessControl | Use subclasses of PropertyAccessControl to implement various access control policies on property reads and writes |
PropertyEvent | PropertyEvents are passed to PropertyListener objectss to notify them of changes to the properties they are listening to |
PropertyListener | |
PropertyListenerSiteWrapper | Internal class used to sort of extend RemoteSite without actually touching RemoteSite |
PropertyListenerSiteWrapper::Cmp | |
PropertySecurityInitializer | |
VOS::ReadOnlyAccessControl | Access control policy that allows requests for information (reads) and denies all changes (writes) |
ReadOnlyPropertyAccessControl | Access control policy for properties permits unlimited reads but denies allwrites and replaces |
VOS::RefCounted | This is a simple base class for reference counting objects |
RefCounted | |
RemoteAvatar | Remote version of Avatar |
VOSGUI::RemoteButton | Remote version of Button |
RemoteCOD | The contents of a remote COD represent live objects on a remote site, rather than a save state which is to be loaded locally |
VOSGUI::RemoteColorInput | Remote proxy for ColorInput |
VOSGUI::RemoteContainer | Remote version of Container |
VOSGUI::RemoteDisplay | Remote version of Display |
RemoteError | |
VOSGUI::RemoteFileInput | Remote proxy for FileInput |
RemoteGateway | Remote proxy for Gateway |
RemoteHello | This class defines the remote proxy for the local Hello object |
RemoteHostedAvatar | Remote proxy for HostedAvatar |
RemoteHypercard | Remote version of Hypercard |
RemoteImage2D | Remote version of Image2D |
VOSGUI::RemoteInput | Remote proxy for Input |
RemoteLogin | Remote version of Login |
VOSGUI::RemoteMenu | Remote version of Menu |
VOSGUI::RemoteMenubar | Remote version of Menubar |
VOSGUI::RemoteMenuBar | Remote version of MenuBar |
RemoteMetadata | Remote version of Metadata |
VOS::RemoteMetaObject | A RemoteMetaObject is a Remote Vobject supporting the MetaObject extension architechture, allowing you to use meta_cast to select between available C++ interfaces supported by the Vobject type |
VOSGUI::RemoteNumericInput | Remote proxy for NumericInput |
RemoteProperty | Remote version of property; sends messages over network to Local object |
RemoteSearch | Remote version of Search |
VOSGUI::RemoteSelect | Remote version of Select |
VOSGUI::RemoteSelectBoolean | Remote version of SelectBoolean |
VOSGUI::RemoteSelectList | Remote version of SelectList |
VOSGUI::RemoteSelectValue | Remote version of SelectValue |
RemoteServices | Remote version of Services |
VOS::RemoteSite | This class manages a connection to a remote site and the objects bound to that site |
VOS::RemoteSite::NoLocalPeerError | |
VOS::RemoteSite::SiteConnectionError | |
VOSGUI::RemoteSliderNumericInput | Remote proxy for SliderNumericInput |
VOS::RemoteSocketSite | This class manages a connection to a remote site and the objects bound to that site |
RemoteSound | Remote version of Sound |
VOS::RemoteStreamSite | A simulated remote site using a file for input instead of a network socket |
RemoteTalkative | Remote version of Talkative |
RemoteText | Remote version of Text |
VOS::RemoteVobject | This class allows you to access remotely Vobjects as if they were local |
VOSGUI::RemoteWidget | Remote version of Widget |
VOS::RewriteTo | A message filter that rewrites the To: field of messages |
runtime_error | |
runtime_error | |
Scene3D | |
SceneInfo | |
Search | MetaObject implementing Search Object Type |
SearchListener | |
SearchRules | Convenience wrapper around deque<string> for use with RemoteSearch::doSearch |
A3DL::Sector | |
VOSGUI::Select | MetaObject implementing Select Object Type |
VOSGUI::SelectBoolean | MetaObject implementing SelectBoolean Object Type |
VOSGUI::SelectList | MetaObject implementing SelectList Object Type |
VOSGUI::SelectValue | MetaObject implementing SelectValue Object Type |
LSD::Service | |
LSD::ServiceAdvertismentListener | |
LSD::ServiceDirectory | This class represents a service directory |
LSD::ServiceDirectory::Query | |
ServiceListenerSiteWrapper | |
Services | MetaObject implementing the Services object type: make a service discovery system available through VOS |
Shape3D | |
Site | |
VOS::Site | A site is the root of any collection of Vobjects |
VOS::Site::NoSuchMessageBlockError | |
VOS::SiteAccessControl | Additional policy interface specificly for Sites |
VOSGUI::SliderNumericInput | MetaObject for a "sliding" numeric input |
A3DL::Snow | |
Sound | MetaObject implementing Sound Object Type |
A3DL::Sphere | |
Talkative | MetaObject implementing Talkative Object Type |
TalkListener | Interface for message listeners |
TalkMessage | Structure defining a talk message |
TAseLoader | |
Text | MetaObject implementing Text Object Type |
A3DL::Texture | Represents a texture layer in a 3D object's Material |
Tracker | |
Tracker::DeviceError | |
TrackerdOrientation | This class gets orientation information from the tracker daemon (trackerd) |
TrackerdPosition | This class gets position information from the tracker daemon (trackerd) |
Triangle | |
TypeBase64 | Class to encode and decode base64 data |
TypeChain | This class helps you decode data with known encodings |
TypeChain::DecodeError | Error decoding data |
TypeChain::EncodeError | Error encoding data |
TypechainLexer | This class is a yyFlexLexer subclass with two pure virtual methods you can override to process identifiers and final types: |
VOS::TypeChangeListener | Interface to be called when a listened-to object has some change to its type set |
TypeDeflate | Class to encode and decode deflated data |
TypeGZip | Class to encode and decode gzip-format data |
TypeHandler | Derive your specific type handlers from this class, for use with the TypeChain utility |
TypeHelper | |
TypeWinInet | |
VOS::URL | A class implementing basic handling of Uniform Resource Locator (URL) expressions |
VOS::URL::BadURLError | |
Vertex2D | |
Vertex3D | |
A3DL::Viewpoint | |
VOS::Vobject | This is the abstract class that defines the basic API common to all virtual objects |
VOS::Vobject::AccessControlError | |
VOS::Vobject::MessageQueueEmptyError | An exception class thrown when the user attempts to read from the receiving queue and that queue is empty |
VOS::Vobject::NoSuchObjectError | An exception class thrown when an object lookup fails |
VOS::Vobject::NoSuchSiteError | An exception class thrown when a site lookup fails |
VOS::Vobject::ParentChildRelation | This structure expresses the relation between a parent vobject and a vobject which is a child of that parent |
VOS::Vobject::ParentChildRelation::Cmp | This class is used internally to compare two ParentChildRelation structures to see if they represent the same relationship |
VOS::Vobject::RemoteError | An exception class thrown when a remote action fails |
VOS::Vobject::TimeoutError | An exception class thrown when an expected reply didn't arrive in the alloted time |
VOS::VobjectAccessControl | This is the base class for Vobject access control policies |
VOS::VobjectEvent | This class describes an event changing the state of a Vobject |
VOS::VobjectImplementation | A base implementation class for virtual objects |
VOS::VobjectImplementation::Dispatch | |
VOS::VobjectImplementation::DispatchTemplate< T > | |
VOS::VobjectNotifyEvent | |
VOSDaemon | This class contains many convenient features useful for running a background service, a.k.a |
VOS::vRef< T > | This is a "smart pointer" wrapper class around any RefCounted object |
VOSGUI::Widget | MetaObject implementing "gui:widget" Object Type |
yyFlexLexer | |